Tustin Psychological Center

Welcome to TPC

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Welcome to TPC


Finding Yourself Again With a Relatable Guide Alongside You

Where am I

And how the heck did I get here?

With things changing at such a rapid pace, you may feel like you have been dropped in the middle of your life not knowing which way is up. You realize things aren’t the way they used to be. You aren’t enjoying the things you used to. You are doubting your decisions and abilities to set and achieve goals, even if your only goal is to take a shower.
Sometimes you catch yourself staring out with your jaw dropped open thinking about the shock and confusion that has become your life. The struggle is all too real and all too common. TPC can help you figure out who you are, the new you, the version of you you want to be.

Let us shower you with compassionate, patient support in a non-judgmental space. Maybe it will be a step to completing one of your goals.